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1990~1994  福州大学材料学院  学士
1994~1997  福州大学材料学院  硕士
2002~2006  厦门大学化学化工学院  博士
1999~2006  厦门大学化学化工学院  讲师
2010~2013  美高美集团4688am  工程师
2013~至今  美高美集团4688am  高级工程师




      主持国家自然科学基金和省自然科学基金,作为主要人员参与了国家自然科学基金项目、福建省自然基金等多项省部级以上课题的研究工作。近年来,在computational materials science,Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,Journal of Inorganic Materials,,Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing,Acta Metallurgica Sinica等国内外重要学术期刊上发表研究论文多篇。


1. Zhang Sa*, Liang Liping, In-situ Raman Observations for PLZT Ferroelectric Ceramics under Compressive Stresses, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2017,37(7), 2073-2078
2. Zhang sa*, In-situ Raman Observation of Domain Switching near Crack Tip in PLZT Ferroelectric Ceramics, Materials for Mechanical Engineering,2017,41(6),20~24
3. Zhang sa*,In-situ Raman observations for PLZT ferroelectric ceramics under a cyclic alternative electrical field, Materials for Mechanical Engineering,2017,41(2),30~33
4. Zhang sa*, Combined Technology and Application of Trivista Laser Confocal Raman Spectrometer in Ferroelectric Ceramic Research, Materials for Mechanical Engineering,2017,41(1),7~12
5. Liu Tundong, He Miao, Ye Zengruan, lou Duanjun, Zhang Sa*, Sun Qiao, Piezoelectric performance optimization of the PMN-PT based on self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm, Computational Materials Science,2017,127(1),96~102
6. Zhang sa*,Wang pan, Zhuang yuan, Researchon weldability of Weldox700 E high strength steel,China Mechanical Engineering, 2016,27(13),1815-1819
7. Zhang Sa*, Liu ying, Liu yixuan, Cheng Xuan, Zhang Ying, Phase transitions in PLZT ceramics observed by In-situ Raman spectroscopy, Journal of Inorganic Materials,2014, 9(4), 399-404
8. Zhang Sa*, TriVista Laser Confocal-Micro-Raman Spectroscopy and its Application in ferroelectric ceramics, Science & Technology Information, 2014,12(18),1-3
9. Zhang Sa,Cheng Xuan,Zhang Ying, Liu Yixuan, Applications of in-situRaman Spectroscopy in Domain Switching and Fatiguebehavior of PLZT Ferroelectric Ceramics, Chinese Journal of Light Scattering, 2012, 24(1), 53-58 
10.  Zhang Sa ,Cheng Xuan,Zhang Ying,In-situ Raman observation at the crack tips of Vickers indent onPLZT ceramics,Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China , 2011,21(10), 2259-2263
11.  Zhang Sa ,Wu Genhua, Duan Chengjun, Wang Jiao, Novel phosphors of Eu3+, Tb3+ or Tm3+activated LaGeBO5,Journal of Rare Earths, 2011,29(8), 737-740

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